Mother's Day is for all mums - including those with angel wings

Motherless Daughters Australia
All mother’s wear halos, many also have angel wings and Motherless Daughters Australia (MDA) believes all of them should be celebrated – especially on Mother’s Day.
A mother leaves an indelible mark on their daughters and sons and Mother’s Day should include opportunities to honour and remember those who have died. It was the reason the first Mother’s Day was first created by Anna Jarvis in 1907.
Motherless Daughters Australia (MDA) is encouraging everyone who will experience the joy of spending time with or speaking to their mum this Mother’s Day to think of those who can’t.
MDA Co-Founder and Manager of Community Engagement, Eloise Baker, says a small gesture can make a big difference. “Grief cannot be fixed, and no one needs to try to. Reach out and send a message or give someone an opportunity to say their mum’s name and perhaps share a memory.”
This year MDA is proud to have created the Mother’s Halo Cyclamen label – A plant that symbolises femininity, devotion, and ever-lasting love, featured in the paintings of Leonardo DaVinci.
The Mother’s Halo Cyclamen will be widely available in independent supermarkets, garden centres and online – with 20 cents from every plant donated to Motherless Daughters Australia.
Co- Founder and Executive Officer of MDA Danielle Snelling says the bright, robust blooms are a wonderful alignment with all mothers. “The Mother’s Halo Cyclamen is a beautiful way to honour a mum. Gift one to yourself, or a friend and if you’re lucky enough to be able to give one to your mum, know that you are supporting someone else missing theirs.”
Mother loss has a life altering impact particularly on girls and women. ABS data reveals that 3.9 million Australian women have experienced mother loss; 1.2 million of those have experienced mother loss before the age of 44. MDA is a not for profit, national organisation that offers programs, connection and a space that allows them to share their grief, happy memories, and bittersweet milestones.
Tips on how to find or offer comfort on Mother's Day can be found on our website.